Show Additional Info (Details Count & Average)
Show Details Count feature (see Show Details Count), has been renamed to Show Additional Info
Now, there is, additionally, Average displayed below details count. It is calculated as value divided by number of unique objects (work entry, issue, user, etc) used in sum. Total row is calculated as total divided by number of issuesTotal column calculates as time divided by number of unique columns included in row. So total for WWW-4 row is 1d 1h / 2 (Done, To Do) = 4h 30m
The sample averages can be Average Time issues spend In Status, or Average Time User works per issue type.
Here in example above, in Total row, we can see it takes 361.2h to resolve an issue (In Progress column), and 431.8h till work is started on an issue (To Do column). Note, total for To Do is sum of 4 entries, but has only 3 unique issues, so average is 1,295.4h / 3 = 431.8h.
Average in Total column shows how long issue is in a status in average, and is calculated as total divided by number of non empty cells in row.