Timesheet report doesn't display logged hours


Time was logged during the selected period, but issues are not displayed in the report


First of all, make sure, you can see worklog entry in issue itself. If not, it may be due to Worklog Visibility Level set, or Issue Security Level set, or due to missing Jira permissions, e.g. Work On Issues permission or Browse Project, please see https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/docs/permissions-for-company-managed-projects/.

Otherwise, please open Search Issue page Advanced mode (see Jira Documentation) and type query like the following (specify required dates and user, if needed): worklogDate > startOfDay() and worklogAuthor = currentUser()

See if you get issues as you expect in search results.

It might be that Time Tracking field is hidden from the Field Configurations, so it’s necessary to unhide it. (Please note, most of cases provided by users were for newly created Next-Gen projects, but Classic projects may also be affected. For Next-Gen project please add 'Time Tracking' field to all issue types.)

If it’s not the case, please contact Atlassian Support to reindex you instance DB.

Note, in case of Next Gen project and Auditors Roles configured, it may be necessary to select Next Gen project role in the configuration, as they are different from classic roles. Warning should be displayed in report if it is the case. See https://primetimesheet.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/327721 for more information.