(Obsolete!) Original Estimate for Next-Gen projects workaround

Next-Gen project now have active appropriate field, please see https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Next-gen-articles/The-Original-estimate-field-comes-to-next-gen-it-s-about-TIME/ba-p/1631825.

Please do Enable Estimation: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/enable-estimation/#Enable-estimation-for-your-

This workaround left for backward compatibility.

Please note, for next projects use Jira field. For projects with custom fields use as it is or transfer values to Jira Original Estimate field and delete custom Original Estimate field from all issue types.



Due to absence of field ‘Original Estimate’ for Next-Gen projects, please see https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWCLOUD-17248, we introduced workaround for this issue.

For each Next-Gen project please add text field with exact name 'Original Estimate' and add it to every issue type:

Fill field with value:

See value as additional field in any report:

Or more important column in Time Tracking report for other columns calculations:

Note, for Progress column, please notice Est. Time Remaining = 5.5h. To have it for Next-Gen project, please fill appropriate field in Jira native Time Tracking dialog:

Or when Logging Work Done in App provided dialog: