The date range selection on the different view types works differently.

Step-by-step guide

Mainly, it depends on whether it is worklog or changelog based report or not. 

  1. In case of worklog based reports (Timesheet, Timespent, Pivot by User, Pivot by Status, Pie Chart) date range is used to select issues with worklog Started date between selected dates, and display logged hours during this period in a table by Days, Users, Status or slices.
  2. In case of changelog based report (Time Balance) date range is used to select issues that were created or updated during the selected period, and display changes during the selected period.
  3. In other cases (Time In Status, Resolution Time), when no worklog is used, date range is used to select issues where resolution or status was changed during the selected period, and so passed time between changes is shown.
  4. Finally, in case of Time Tracking report, date range is optional and is used to select issues that were created or updated during the selected period. Note, overall values are shown for the fields, disregarding selected period, e.g. Timespent column shows overall time spent for an issue.

Note, in case of Time Tracking and Time Balance reports, it is possible to configure date fields to be used to select issues basing on the specified dates, so e.g. it is possible to have report on issues resolved during the specified period, instead of created or updated, by default.

Caution, there is also Jira native Timespent issue field that depicts cumulative hours logged for an issue overall, disregarding selected period. 

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